Registration Type

  • Performers.

  • For those who are not performing. Includes all social events and entry to rehearsals/performance.

  • Requires one registered musician to pay full price and the second registered musician receives the discounted rate. Must provide the name of the registered musician to qualify for the discount.

  • Performing at both Concert Band and Jazz Band

  • For those who are not performing. Includes all social events and entry to rehearsals/performance at both festivals

  • Requires one registered musician to pay full price and the second registered musician receives the discounted rate. Must provide the name of the registered musician to qualify for the discount.

Festival Choice

Please select applicable discounts to adjust the registration cost.

Attendee Information

Musician Details


  • Concert Recording

    Concert Recording

    Music at the Summit Adult Band Institute final concert recording. Delivered as a Digital Download

    $15.00 ea.

Concert attire is:

Official Logo Polo Shirt


Black Pants or Black Skirt 

with Black Closed Toe Shoes.

Order directly from Lands End Business

Fine Print

The registration fee does not include travel, lodging or transportation costs.  Please review for assistance planning these logistic details for your trip!


Full Refund for cancellations prior to 15th May2025
75% Refund for cancellations after 15th May2025
NO Refund for cancellations after 1st June 2025

RegFox Event Registration Software